Streamlining Incident Resolution for Engineers

How to Write an Awesome Readme

How to Write an Awesome Readme

Introduction After the code, the readme is the most important thing to add to your project. Readme will be referred to as docs for small libraries and projects. It will reflect the project. For a beg...

Integrate Stripe Payments with Django By Building a Digital Products Selling App

Integrate Stripe Payments with Django By Building a Digital Products Selling App

One of the great features of online selling is being able to process payments online. With the ever-growing online businesses, having a good payment processing system is necessary. Online selling has ...

Do I need TypeScript?

Do I need TypeScript?

Introduction Being a JavaScript developer today comes with more flex. It has been one language I enjoy using most. In my 3+ years as a MERN STACK developer, I have gained much experience in using Jav...

Building a Music Player in React

Building a Music Player in React

Introduction Whoever is learning React and wants to build a project with React. There are a variety of blogs and articles to guide a such projects for developers. I do go through those articles but o...

When to Use Functional Programming vs OOP

When to Use Functional Programming vs OOP

Back in the old days, software projects were relatively simple in terms of scope and lines of code. However, through time, software projects have become drastically complex and the good old procedural...

Build a Blog API With JWT Authentication Using Django Rest Framework

Build a Blog API With JWT Authentication Using Django Rest Framework

Django REST framework is a powerful and flexible toolkit for building Web APIs. You can easily build a REST API using DRF and consume the endpoints from a React, Angular, or other Frontend application...

Why use NextJS?

Why use NextJS?

Introduction Next.js is an open-source, lightweight and JavaScript framework, which allows you to develop fast and user-friendly web applications and static websites using React. It is a ReactJS fram...

Building an In-App Bell Notification in React using Novu

Building an In-App Bell Notification in React using Novu

Cover image by storyset on Freepik Introduction Push notifications are not seen as good practice. They distract you, want your attention or sometimes they are too frequent. But, In-app notification...



You have probably heard about GraphQL, but you might not be entirely sure how and whether it differs from REST. You're in luck, then! Today, we'll go over some fundamentals regarding both REST and Gra...

What is Bootstrap? The best 2022 beginner's guide.

What is Bootstrap? The best 2022 beginner's guide.

For a few years now this has become an essential tool for frontend developers. For the rest of us, it’s just another coding buzzword we don’t understand. But what is Bootstrap? So we know it’s usef...

Add Umami Analytics to a Web Application

Add Umami Analytics to a Web Application

Introduction Analytics plays an important role in knowing the user and the performance of a website. People ask me about my audience's country and views for sponsored posts on my website. So, knowing...

Build a ChatBot Using Python, Django

Build a ChatBot Using Python, Django

A ChatBot has become one of the must-have features of modern-day web applications. It plays a huge role in customer service which was once traditionally held by human beings. Through ChatBot, you can ...

Building an In-App Bell Notification in React using Novu

Building an In-App Bell Notification in React using Novu

Cover image by storyset on Freepik Introduction Push notifications are not seen as good practice. They distract you, want your attention or sometimes they are too frequent. But, In-app notification...

What is Bcrypt. How to use it to hash passwords

What is Bcrypt. How to use it to hash passwords

The bcrypt npm package is a JavaScript implementation of the bcrypt password hashing function that allows you to easily create a hash out of a password string. Unlike encryption which you can decode t...

Learn to build a weather app in just 5 mins

Learn to build a weather app in just 5 mins

A tutorial on how you can build a customizable weather app just using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Intro Every single day we check the weather forcast before going to work and when I was a kid I used...


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