Streamlining Incident Resolution for Engineers

Adding Loaders to React using Chakra UI

Adding Loaders to React using Chakra UI

Introduction There are various components in a modern website. We try to implement those that are necessary and often forget some components. This component is necessary for accessibility. Loaders ar...

Why use NextJS?

Why use NextJS?

Introduction Next.js is an open-source, lightweight and JavaScript framework, which allows you to develop fast and user-friendly web applications and static websites using React. It is a ReactJS fram...

Add Umami Analytics to a Web Application

Add Umami Analytics to a Web Application

Introduction Analytics plays an important role in knowing the user and the performance of a website. People ask me about my audience's country and views for sponsored posts on my website. So, knowing...

How I build a Documentation site using Docz

How I build a Documentation site using Docz

Introduction I use any dev tools or library on the basis of its documentation. I use their documentation to know about the tools and how to integrate them into different setups. If the documentation ...

Start a Production-Ready Dockerized Django Project

Start a Production-Ready Dockerized Django Project

Making a Django app production-ready inside Docker is quite useful for developers. It minimizes the hassle of setup and deployment. This allows developers to focus on what’s important i.e. development...

Creating Skeleton Loading Animation in React

Creating Skeleton Loading Animation in React

Introduction Loading screens are an important aspect for any application. This lets the user know that the processing is going on. There are lots of evolution in the loading screen. We have moved fro...